Monday, October 05, 2009

Mo' Money

Capitalismo (2009)

Starring: Michael More, Michael More
Directed by: Michael More
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Documentary

Faithful readers will know of my difficulties with Mr. Michael More. More and I have tangled on a number of occasions (again, I apologize to the staff and patrons of the Cincinnati Red Roof Inn), but we've always managed to bring the rage back down to a low simmer. But with "Capitalismo" More has crossed the invisible line that separates filmmaking from not-film-making.

Capitalismo purports to be a critique of greed in the financial system. Instead, More ("Psycho", "Ford Frick and Me") proves only that when the taters get hot, he'll hog all the oven mitts. More himself has admitted that he himself has multiple bank accounts, AND USES THEM!

Here's the dealio, Mr. More - America is big enough to swallow your criticism and open its throat for more. While I am no apologist for the world banking system, I also know that when my AMC Gremlin finally succumbed to the demon rust, a certain member of this "evil cabal" (Ms. Sonia Perez-Washington) worked her magic to get me in a Kia Rio with almost no paperwork at all! If someone with my credit rating can get a brand new car, then something smells right in the state of Denmark.

It seems I've strayed a long way from the world of cinema, but I think that makes my point more eloquently than some number tomatoes or stars could ever do. Mr. More has given up the world of film, that beautiful monster that makes little girls laugh and big bad men sob like little girls. And what is worse - he's traded it for a handful of dark bitter beans.

We shall meet again, oh Dark Prince. And when we do, I shall come with loins girded with the delighted shrieks and terrified groans of a thousand generations of filmgoers. You shall wield only a small puddle of curd.

1 comment:

Greg (Van) Morrison said...

Thanks Cave man. Now i understand why the Red Roof Inn sports its conventions in Cincy. I thought it all had to do with the Big Lebowski Festival churning up things across the river.
loved the "when the taters get hot, he'll hog all the oven mitts". Which brings us naturally to TV. This not-film-making critique of greed done by white trailer trash should be done weekly, by a Jerry Springer type demigod. Get the wealthiest top 1% on the show, and force them to Meet Ford Frick Doe. audience members supplied with toasty hot tater tots.